Friday, January 22, 2010


Knowing who you are is the beginning of your success because time is constant. time stands still it is the forms that changes. People who are always killing time are killing their opportunities in life. Men and women who succeed are those who make time their live by making use of it judiciously.
God has placed in possession of every man at each point in time the necessary resources to kick off the actualization of the vision he has put in man. Don’t neglect yourself, search yourself and you shall find yourself.
Goal setting is very important in living a successful life. Goal setting helps you not to be thrown off your target line. For you to be successful you must have a goal, and not having a goal, but to accomplish it.
The first duty a man has is to be himself then remember that he/she was born an original and not to die a copy. Man know thyself and be true to yourself and do not be afraid to assert your true personalities you can never ahead of some set of people as long as you try to get with them. Successful men are original because they always want to be themselves.
For you to become a celebrity, you have to grow in yourself ‘‘self confidence’’ people do not fail as a result of they not knowing what to do but because they do not grow in themselves ‘‘self confidence’’ grow or imbibe in yourself ‘‘self confidence’’ and turn a new leaf.
Small people belittle your ambition it is the great that makes you feel that you can be great. Te people you associate with tell a little or more of whom you are. Those who do not in crease you will automatically decrease you.
Lastly, trust in the lord with all your. Heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct your path (proverb 3:5). With God all things are possible. John Elliot says “you must not sit and look for miracles, be up and doing and the lord will be with you. Prayer and pairs, through faith in Christ Jesus will do everything. Make your goal plain before God and you will see everything done within a twinkle of an eye. Ten minutes spent on praying is for better than a year spent murmuring.


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