Friday, January 22, 2010


According to Cicero he says and i quote for a topic to be systematically and vividly treated it must begin with some definitions. I will like to define some terms oil: this is a thick liquid that is found in rock underground. Boom: this is defined according to the oxford advanced learners dictionary as a sudden increases in trade and economic act my stand is based on the following premises.
Oil was first discovered in Nigeria in oloibiri in Niger-delta in 1956 which has reshaped the destiny of the country from good to worse.
Oil fouls almost everything in the southern Nigeria like: water, fishes e.t.c. It spills from the pipelines thereby poisoning the soli and water. It strains the hand of the politicians because leaders will want to be leaders thereby causing havoc on the mass. Leaders will take 75% of the profit gained from petroleum and spend it for themselves buying luxury cars and houses that are well furnished leaving 25% for the develop they rather become under-developed.
It taints the ambition of the young ones, who will try anything to scoop up a share of the liquid riches youths will want to take back the money the leaders or have taken falsely thereby firing a gun, sabotaging a pipeline and kidnapping foreigners 
Can you believe that Nigeria is the no 1 exporter to china and the fifth largest supplier of petroleum to the United States? The oil sector currently supplies 20% of Nigeria’s G.D.P, 95% of its budget revenue. To no avail are these listed things and people say oil boom in Nigeria in not a curse but no it is a curse.
The oil sector has not led to an end to the crushing poverty of Nigeria and this led many to join the rebel groups combating foreign involvement and grade.
I am seeing that the problems oil has caused continue until government directly handle its responsibility and throw away lackadaisical attitude.
I hope that with these cogent points written I have been able to at least bring the problems of Nigeria to people’s hearing  

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